What Differentiates 2020.90?
Wearlon® 2020.90 is our classic primer. It pairs perfectly with any of our topcoats, since all Wearlon® topcoats get optimal adhesion to 90 primer and no surface preparation is needed between coating the primer and the topcoat. 2020.90 is unique because it is easy to apply (just like a standard house paint), and it cures at room temperature.
Why 2020.90?
2020.90 is perfect if you are just looking for a high quality, standard primer that pairs well with any of our topcoats and is very easy to apply. There are practically no downsides to using 90 primer.
Do Wearlon® Coatings Need a Primer?
A Wearlon® Primer is useful for 2 reasons: -Increases adhesion to the substrate and the topcoat to the primer. -Protects from corrosion and high friction/abrasion. Most of our Wearlon® topcoats get good adhesion to their substrate, so they can perform without a primer. Although, we almost always recommend using a primer with your topcoat because it will provide optimal adhesion and heightened protection from corrosion and abrasion. For coatings that struggle with adhesion, use a light mistcoat of primer under the topcoat (1:3 ratio of primer to topcoat). For coatings dealing with high abrasion, use a full coat of primer (1:1 ratio of primer to topcoat)
Key Attributes
Base Coat
Long-term Performance
Extra Tough
If you are unsure of which coating would work for your application, contact us to discuss!
Ask for samples or test panels
Send us a part/unit to coat, we will ship back for your own in-house testing
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(518) 587-7624

Marine Coatings
(518) 469-3612